NOTE: This page is best viewed on a desktop, laptop or large tablet. With smaller screens, go to the Mobile Calendar page.

We're B-a-a-a-a-ack!

Most regular GPM Calendar events have resumed, so continue watching the GPM Live Web Calendar and the weekly eUpdate email. If you have any questions about resumption of GPM events, contact the event host listed in the calendar. ExCom meetings are being held using Zoom. All members are welcome to join these virtual meetings. Details may be found in the GPM Calendar. Event hosts have been encouraged to schedule events using Zoom. These will be promoted in the GPM Live Web Calendar and eUpdate. Details HERE.

GPM Event Code of Conduct

The Regional Gathering as well as all GPM Events will be a friendly and safe environment for attendees and speakers. Inappropriate physical contact, verbal abuse, or harassment will not be tolerated, and persons not in compliance may be removed from the event without a refund. Volunteers act with the authority of ExCom and members and guests are expected to comply with their directions. For further information, please refer to the full Event Code of Conduct, available HERE.

Official GPM Live Web Calendar

Are you a Mensa member and want to schedule your own Mensa event? Click HERE to for information on how to program it into our Calendar Event Scheduler! Just enter your Mensa Member number and password to access this members only site. Your completed form goes to the Calendar Coordinator who will contact you confirming your information entered and how you want it publicized.
Only authorized Mensa personnel and Event Hosts are allowed direct edit access to the Calendar.
Want to receive our regular Calendar e-Update by mail every Friday? Click HERE and an email request will be created for you to submit.

You Can Subscribe to or Import These Events

This page will always be up to the minute with any additions or changes, however, if you want to integrate this calendar into your personal techno-space, Google Calendar users can add any individual items to their own calendars by clicking the “copy to my calendar” link in the event’s info. Also, anyone can view this calendar in their own Google Calendar account by typing into the “Add a friend’s calendar” box under Other Calendars on the left side of their Google Calendar page.

For those not on Google Calendar, users may subscribe to this calendar with a calendar application like Apple Calendar or Mozilla Thunderbird with Lightning add-on, by copying this LINK and adding it to their calendar app’s subscriptions. This will allow you view the calendar in your own computer’s calendaring application that will be fully synchronized. Contact the Webmaster if you need assistance in this process. Note that Microsoft Outlook does not support CalDav subscriptions and cannot be synchronized to Google Calendar.

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