GPM Forum 2025
Introduction by GPM Forum Chairman, Greg Pitz

From Greg Pitz, GPM Forum Chairman
Some of you may remember that I served as Forum Chairman in 2013. I am stepping in now to keep things running. For this reason, I need your help. We need more speakers scheduled after January 2025 Forum restart. We are always open to suggestions for speakers or topics. If you know of someone that is a subject expert and you think it would be interesting to hear them speak about a topic, please let me know at
GPM Provides an HD projection system for your convenience described HERE.
Want to know what we had in 2024? Click here: GPM 2024 Forum.
Some of you may remember that I served as Forum Chairman in 2013. I am stepping in now to keep things running. For this reason, I need your help. We need more speakers scheduled after January 2025 Forum restart. We are always open to suggestions for speakers or topics. If you know of someone that is a subject expert and you think it would be interesting to hear them speak about a topic, please let me know at
GPM Provides an HD projection system for your convenience described HERE.
Want to know what we had in 2024? Click here: GPM 2024 Forum.
Below you will find each Forum's schedule with announcements and relevant content provided by the speaker. Click on the green bar to expand and see the details.
May 2025 - Topic TBD - Herb Paine
May 10, 2025 10:00 AM at Burton Barr Central Library, Rm A
Location: Burton Barr Central Library, 1221 N Central Ave, Phoenix 85004 in Meeting Room A. Seating is limited. RSVP to: Mensans, guests, and the public are invited.-
April 2025 - Stay Secure: Mastering the Basics of Cybersecurity Awareness - Dara Gibson
April 12, 2025 10:00 AM at Burton Barr Central Library, Room A
Stay Secure: Mastering the Basics of Cybersecurity Awareness
The presentation is designed to empower individuals with essential knowledge and best practices to protect themselves and their organizations from cyber threats. This session covers key topics such as recognizing phishing attempts, creating strong passwords, safeguarding personal and work devices, and understanding the importance of secure online behavior. By focusing on practical, actionable tips, the presentation aims to help attendees build a strong foundation in cybersecurity awareness, fostering a safer digital environment for all.
Speaker Biography:
Dara Gibson has developed and managed cybersecurity services for almost 10 years. She is now the owner and CEO of a cybersecurity company serving public and private organizations providing expertise on cybersecurity readiness. As a nationally recognized information security leader, Mrs. Gibson fosters expertise in relationship management with industry leading cyber insurance and legal providers for proactive and reactive cybersecurity capabilities and designs overall business risk reducing cybersecurity awareness and insurability programs. She was recently recognized as the Women in Security Forum Power 100, currently serves as the President of the FBI - InfraGard Arizona Members Alliance and is the Past President of WiCyS Arizona (Women in Cybersecurity).
Location: Burton Barr Central Library, 1221 N Central Ave, Phoenix 85004 in Meeting Room A. Seating is limited. RSVP to: Mensans, guests, and the public are invited.-
March 2025 - Migratory Planets and Chaos in the Young Solar System - Renu Malhotra
March 9, 2024 10:00AM at Burton Barr Central Library Room A
Migratory Planets and Chaos in the Young Solar System
Our understanding of the Solar system has undergone a revolution in recent decades, owing to new observational discoveries and new theoretical insights into its rich dynamical structure. The emerging picture is one of dramatic orbital migration of the giant planets in the early history of the Solar system. This migration was driven by interaction with the massive primordial Kuiper belt. It produced the Solar system architecture that we live in today. The evidence is all over the Solar system, as close as the Moon and as far away as Pluto and the Kuiper belt and the Oort Cloud. While this evidence is compelling, there is also tension with the observed properties of the inner solar system: the migration of the giant planets should have caused severe, potentially destabilizing, perturbations on the terrestrial planets. I will describe these developments and ongoing work towards a more complete understanding of the dynamical history of the Solar system.
Renu Malhotra is Louise Foucar Marshall Science Research Professor and Regents Professor of Planetary Sciences at The University of Arizona in Tucson. Her research spans orbital dynamics in the solar system and in extra-solar planetary systems. She is an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and has been the recipient of honors and awards from the American Astronomical Society, the International Astronomical Union, the Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cornell University, The University of Arizona, and the IIT-Delhi.
February 2025 - No Forum
January 2025 - Lunar Prospector, Nevada Test Site Stories & Fun Stuff from Other Worlds - Don Doerres
January 11, 2025 10:00AM at Burton Barr Central Library Room A
Lunar Prospector, Nevada Test Site Stories & Fun Stuff from Other Worlds
Don Doerres has been a member of GPM since 1976, with only a two year hiatus while he and his wife lived in and worked in Nevada for two years. Don has been active throughout the years, helping out with Regional gatherings and even the Annual Gathering when it was in Phoenix in the early 1980’s, providing leadership and registration databases. Don has been an aerospace engineer for some 50 years. His early career was spent designing and building special test equipment that could not readily be found commercially. As testing grew more complex, he started writing software to automate testing. He has spent many years working in the space industry, testing developing spacecraft, writing spacecraft software, and maintaining and updating software for spacecraft in orbit. Don wrote all the software for Lunar prospector. Now that he is retired, he writes. He has recently published a sci-fi novella, The Baffling Boffin, which is available as a paperback and in Kindle format on Amazon. He has recently published a sci-fi novella, The Baffling Boffin, which is available as a paperback and in Kindle format on Amazon.
Don Doerres, m480-206-1278
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